Friday, May 25, 2012

Beach, little calorie intake

My beach trip was lovely because I love sand and water and got some photography done. My beach trip was bad because I looked extremely over-weight in my bathing suit, I got kinda sunburnt, I ate a shit ton.

Today was good though, I danced for two hours in the morning and then for an hour afterschool, I took a nap and today I've eaten a 6-inch sub on flat bread with lettus, onions, greenpeppers and mustard and some diet coke. thats all! I'm trying to make up for yesterday and eat as little as possible, I even said no to pizza today in my women empowerment group today.

Speaking of my women empowerment group I went to a meeting for that today and got to meet Miss Canada - she's so pretty.

I didn't do much else today but here is a picture of my whitenesss at the beach :)

1 comment:

  1. Your way skinny! Look at that stomach! It's flat! I have the same problem with pale skin too! I don't go brown in the sun, i just burn and turn bright red :( Sucks! xx
