Ya I fucked up toady.
I was doing well, hadn't really eaten till lunch hour when my stomach was growling and I convinced myself thats a good thing, then I turned down pizza at my social justice trip today. But then I went out with my friend who have sever depression and an eating disorder and I do my best to not trigger her or anything. So I had to convince her to eat lunch and ofcourse she wouldn't eat if I didn't so I got this biggish subway salad which was fine and she had a baked potato. Then I ended up eating a snack bag of cajun trail mix (no calorie label) and popcorn and spagetti later in the day. I felt full and that was wrong. And I don't need to be eating that much but my friend does and more because shes uber uber skinny. FUCK. I guess I'll have to start over tomorrow.
In non food related news; I went on a social justice trip today, we did something called The Bare Foot Walk which is a day event where you raise awareness about children in third world countries who live for under a dollar a day and can't even afford things like shoes. We raised quite a bit of money for the organization and it was great - I did however get a sunburn despite wearing SPF 60.
I also saw The Chernobyl Diaries and it was pretttyyy scary and I don't think I'll ever go visit that abandoned town, 1. Zombies 2. Radio activeness.
My mother is being a particular bitch today. I haven't really seen much of her at all this week due to school, social justice and work and friends and I get home today and she starts screaming at me about the state of my room and how I'm so disgusting and puts me down about everything. She really hates me. If I was dead she wouldn't care.
*hugs* x x