Saturday, February 18, 2012

baby showers

today I went to my sister in law's baby shower. I happy faced it even though I was the youngest and barely knew anyone there. I have such bad social anxiety. Seeing her face opening up the baby gifts I got her was lovely though.
My sister spent some time with me today, helped me with some school stuff - I love her, I wish I could tell her how much I hurt all the time. She just had her birthday and was talking about how strange it is to be so old and its funny because as she was talking all I could think was "wow I'm never going to make it to that age, I'll be long dead."

I'm off to bed now because tomorrow I get to babysit two boys aged 2 and 7 for 5 hours. They are pretty easy to babysit and super cute - one is a little hyper active but easy to distract with tv and toys. I love babysitting, seeing a happy child just makes me happy.

I hope everyone is doing well.

lots of love <3

let me know how you are! :)


  1. It's good these things make you happy :) Surround yourself with happiness as much as possible! You deserve it :) Hope your ok sweet! xx

  2. Why can't you tell your sister that you're hurting?
