Wednesday, April 11, 2012

audition, friends, fuck ups

okay tomorrow [ well I guess today] is the day. my dance audition for university. Probably one of the biggest auditions of my life. I really want to make it in but honestly I dont know if I am that good of a dancer.  I have the pasion yes but not the crazy flexability.
And what am I thinking about on the night before my dance audition - my cellulite on my thighs and ass. its gross. I'm so fat. I lost three pounds but ugh at least 20 more to go to my first goal weight.

I'm tired, I barely slept last night and now its almost 1 am and I have to be up by 4:30am. ugh.

Im not even home since my friend is driving me to my audition. My friend is worse of than me, she is in denial about her disorder. she's thin and beautiful and gets attention from people but she can't see herself as pretty or anything but shit. she's going to a counsellor though - being forced by her parents really, with all my heart I pray she stays with the help she's getting [she's 18 and can refuse help]

anyways I should get some sleep. I hope I make it in to this program, I dont really have anything else to do with my life otherwise. and i've probably influenced my friends  problems so I'm a huge fuck up.


  1. Hey good luck for your audition! I hope it goes really well! X

  2. Good luck today beautiful! x x

  3. Good luck, hon, I'm sending you good vibes. I'm sure you'll do great <3

  4. Oh gosh! I hope it goes really good! xx

  5. Good luck i'm sure you'll smash it! :) xx
