Thursday, April 12, 2012

dance, mother, homework

So I think the audition went well. It was an interesting audition to say the least. I was expecting your usual classical ballet audition but nope. We learnt break dancing then modernized ballet with no counts, then improv which I loved and then across the floor stuff.
It was really fun.
They are only taking 55 more people out of like 300 so I don't know if I'll make it but it was fun to try. I won't find out if I make it until the end of may at the latest.

Today was a long day. that's all really. I've had a headache since this morning and nothing is helping.
my mother is bitching, she brought in dinner and made a fuss about my back pack on the floor (because i was working on a project) and shes yelling so i tell her to please be quiet my head hurts, she threw the dinner and told me I was a disgrace and that shes not surprised my head hurts because Im a stupid child.

I'm so done with her.
This project is due tomorrow I have a feeling I wont be sleeping till like 11pm tomrrow -.-

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like it went well - well done! And I'm glad you had such a great time! :) Wow end of May seems like a long time, good luck for the results, let us know when you hear :) x x
