Friday, May 27, 2011

dance awesomeness

the dance show case went great! I didn't screw up! loved every second of it. My friend got the dance award for being the bestest and I was happy for her.
I'm so very tired now and am going to go to bed but I need to revise for my philosophy test tomorrow- I will do it in the morning.
I definatly burnt alot of calories today, sadly I had hot chocolate and a smaallll slice of pizza with the girls.
I gave my teacher flower for just being the best teacher I've ever had =] she liked them.
my parents liked the show but were kinda fighting and my mom was rude to me after and never even said I did a good job =/
my friends came and so did my ex [awkward]. his mom was supose to come - but didn't, something came up, I was quite sad but shoved those emotions in.

goodnight blogger world - love you darlings.

1 comment:

  1. congrats on the show case. you probably deserved that award for bestest too. (: <3 stay lovely.
