my house is sooo hot i feel like I'm dying. If I was skinnier I wouldn't be this hot. I woke up at 4 today. I did no homework and no studying and I'm not going to sleep tonight because I need to study some and start writing this essay due Tuesday. My best friend - lets call her Kat. Kat is really skinny hung out today. We ate and took some pictures and stuff. We talked about A. and I've decided I do not want a boyfriend or even a kinda somewhat relationship - I'm not ready. I'm having fun so ... funness could happen no one will want to make out and do stuff with this fat tub o lard.
5 days till prom
3 days till Toronto dance trip
I'm still so fat.
Fast tomorrow I better not fail.
Tomorrow consists of get through class 1, write a test class 2, try and enjoy class 3 even though I'm the fattest in dance
I hope everyone is well.
*goes back to essay writing*
for some reason i can't get my blog to set on the right time -.- so you know it is 1:43am
I hope your test goes well