have you ever felt so depressed that you just wanted to scream and cry and curl up into a ball but can't?
I feel the ugliest and most horrible I have in a long while.
I'm binging and purging, cutting, smoking cigs and stuff, Im drinking and running till I faint.
I want to runaway I feel like I need to get away
I feel like I'm done - I just want to die.
I just want to be done.
+my throat hurts like a bitch, my first period teacher hates me for missing school. arrrgg.
I'm sorry - my posts are probably such a bother.
I wrote a poem on the back of a maths sheet about vectors and displacement threories.
Twist and turn my soul
Split into two
Apart for me
And apart for you
Hold it together
Likes sticks and glue
The part for me
Bursts into a few
You take it away
And use it as you do
hey there, i just thought it was sorta funny that we're both named Sarah, both 18 years old, and both 5'7". i'm anorexic with bulimic tendencies.