Monday, September 12, 2011

sloppy sad sunday

I was supose to get my laptop back today. I didn't.
I was supose to go out today. I didn't
I was supose to feel good today. I didn't
I wasn't supose to eat today. I did.
fucking binge. I tried to throw up and just got about half out and thats all my body could handle.

I'm looking at University Dance programs out of the province and even out of the country.
know any good dance programs in a University near you? let me know.

I didn't count my calories today.
I feel sick.
School tomorrow is optional for me. I don't want to deal with the people in my cooking class- I do however want to go to politics so I'm going to go to that one. One class tomorrow.

Cleaned my room finally - I like it clean- my mothers comment "Its fine but.." thats her favorite line.

So I guess today wasn't soooo horrible like world horrible but it wasn't the best.

I cut. surprise. not.

Today was also the 9/11 10years. Im not american but I do have an apreciation and sadness for everyone who was involved. helped. and died. Its horribly sad. Canada hasn't had anything like that and my heart goes out to anyone who has experienced anything like it.

I'm starting to add pictures to every post like on my old blog. Also hoping for more readers :)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry today didn't go to plan but don't be so hard on yourself. It doesnt matter as theres always tomorrow - as for starving, the more you starve the more likely you are to binge :( sorry to hear you binged but I'm glad you didn't starve.

    Hope today goes better, xxxx
