Thursday, September 22, 2011

University visit today was awesome!! I lovveee the program. DANCE <3
anyways I had a good day - worked over my lunch on our social justice club - painted a sign for the new thanksgiving campaign :)
I hope everyone is having  a good day :)


  1. Aww i'm glad to see you so happy and that you've had a lovely day! :) that's good you've found a uni you like too :D xxxx

  2. Sounds like you're having a great week!!


  3. Wow, dance must be the best program to be in-- lot of exercise, lots of tiny people. I'm glad you're enjoying it :)

  4. Thanks for sharing the link :)
    This blog is very good!
    first of all: I loooove your background!
    It fits so perfectly!
    Just a little blow and they spread everywhere. Tiny little things. Flying where the wind wants them to grow tall and strong and thin.
    I'm glad you had a good day at uni!
