Monday, January 2, 2012

new years stuff and ramblings

This could potentially be a long post - just a warning ;)

First off - happy new year. I didn't make a new years resolution and I never really have, I mean in school we use to have to make one up but I never did it or it was something that didn't really matter. I suppose if this was like school and I HAD to make one it would be to find love? I don't know - I'm feeling lonely and I have no one I'm interested in that I'd even have a shot with. I'm to fucked up to be in a relationship anyway I suppose.

My new years was actually okay; besides all my friends being significantly trashed as fuck and me having to do all the taking care of. I enjoyed fireworks and some entertainment.

My best friend is no longer allowed to sleepover at my house anymore because my mom rented the spare room in our home to her boyfriend and her parents think that it is inappropriate for her to be sleeping over now. It really sucks, and shes usually a barrier for me and my mum to not fight. ugh.

I feel like I had much more to say before I actually started writing. hmm. lets give some random tid-bits shall we?
- I have to go to my dad's house tomorrow or the next day to apply for school
-I have to get flooring in the basement for my dance room
- I have a headache right now and I think I might be getting sick
-My hands are fucking freezing.
-I am almost done a book called 'cut' and I'm in love with it
-I have one more week of holiday vacation
-I'm going to sell some of my stuff and can't decide between ebay and kijiji.
-I need to stay vlogging soon - I've been talking about it for a while.
-I found pills yesterday - that I had left over from a surgury. . . I never though pills would be my way out of this world but it crossed my mind the second I found them, ya I'm fucking
-I cut my face a few days ago - stupid.

I think thats it - maybe that post is pretty long - ha.

I hope everyone had a wonderful new years and now I'm off to read blogs <3 love you!

here is a pic from my newyears!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! I really hope this is such a wonderful year for you. Take care beautiful x x x
