Saturday, January 28, 2012

Today was actually an okay day. this does not happen very often.
I woke up a little after noon hour, I went on the computer and then my friend came over for a bit. Then I went to my friends house for their family night (their family really likes having me over). We watched wedding shows and such. I ate fruit today and some dinner.
Thats all I really did and that was okay.
Things I should have done today however; - Study for my politics exam monday, -go to my fathers, -send in my supplementary audition form for dance university program as I don't have many days left.
obviously I procrastinate.

my friend got some of my modelling photos to me. here you go


  1. I'm really pleased your day was okay :)

    And the photos are great!

    Lots of love x x

  2. That second picture is fucking adorable. ;D
    And procrastinating is an art. People just don't understand how secretly amazing it is.

  3. I'm glad you had a really nice day even if you didn't do the stuff you were meant to do :p you can always do them another time :)

    p.s. you're really pretty :)

    take care, xxxx
