Saturday, December 24, 2011

christmas eve explostion

Im just going to copy and paste my rant from my facebook chat with someone. everything fucking sucks 

i made enough custard for me and my dad and he doesnt want any
i was sad
hes being mean
not doing anything christmasy
i don't want to watch what hes watching and now hes mad that i cooked because there are dirty dishes
and hes made im in my room on my laptop
its not like there is anything else to do
hes yelling now.
about dishes which i left to soak
his exact words "just what I wanted to do on god damn Christmas eve - clean your fucking British desert mess that I asked you to clean up and instead you left it hardening to the pot"
which i fucking didnt.
i fucking hate christmas here.
it just makes me want to die - that'll make them happy. only one last mess of mine for them to fucking clean up

1 comment:

  1. Praying that today you will know hope & love. Keep living beautiful girl x x x
